the problem icon

The Need

On the back of a global acquisition, 4 Pines needed to expand its operations for a larger distribution, while maintaining its commitment to environment and social responsibility.

the solution icon

The solution

Aerofloat installed a compact, low-maintenance and odourless AeroDAF to treat 4 Pines wastewater and allow for further growth and expansion.

The benefit icon

The benefit

The Aerofloat treatment system supported 4 Pines as it expanded its operations and continued to invigorate the craft beer market.

4 Pines Brewery expanded its operations & maintained commitment to the environment.

Aerofloat’s patented DAF technology provided a low-maintenance, compact and odourless wastewater treatment solution.

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How can we help?

Whatever your wastewater challenge, we can develop a solution for you. Start by getting in touch with one of our experts.