the problem icon

The Need

Australian Recycled Plastics (ARP) required a solution to reuse its wastewater and reduce odour in the production facility as well as the finished products.

the solution icon

The solution

Aerofloat provided a wastewater treatment system utilising its patented AeroDAF and AeroMBBR technologies, to allow ARP to re-use its wash water in its plastics processing without any offensive odours being present.

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The benefit

The solution meant that ARP could operate at full capacity, with odours eliminated and without having to dispose of wastewater and regularly refill with fresh water.

Aerofloat’s wastewater recycling solution at Australian Recycled Plastics, Narrabri NSW enabled huge cost savings and an odour free environment.

The fully automated wastewater treatment system from Aerofloat provided odour reduction in the production facility and an odour-free finished product.

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How can we help?

Whatever your wastewater challenge, we can develop a solution for you. Start by getting in touch with one of our experts.