Polymer Processors Case Study
Aerofloat’s wastewater treatment system provides superior wash-water that can be reused within the factory processing.
Using a dissolved air flotation system for wastewater treatment is a common technique across a range of markets; including food and beverage manufacturing, plastics recycling and pulp and paper industries, to name a few.
Aerofloat has patented dissolved air flotation technology in its AeroDAF, which has combined proven traditional dissolved air flotation principles with world-first patented design elements to make a truly innovative product.
The AeroDAF uses a unique tank with a 60 degrees conical bottom and conical top and a patented hydraulic float removal system to funnel waste float material from the top of the tank. Unlike a traditional DAF wastewater treatment system, mechanical scrapers are not required, resulting in a compact, mechanically simple and more affordable solution.
The waste material is removed from the enclosed tank by using the hydraulics on the incoming feed stream. A typical industrial DAF plant process will require some pre-treatment by screening, blending, hydraulic balancing and pH correction.
Aerofloat’s approach to innovation and creative solutions means it is the ideal partner for any business needing a DAF system.
While the AeroDAF forms the cornerstone of the DAF product range, Aerofloat has several dissolved air flotation products on offer for its clients that are suitable for a vast range of industries. Aerofloat’s approach is to understand the business drivers and challenges of each client, and then work together to find the right solution that will continue to serve the business now and into the future.
Aerofloat’s patented and world-first dissolved air flotation (DAF) technology is compact, affordable, low maintenance, odourless and self-cleaning.
Aerofloat has installed over 50 industrial wastewater treatment plants and 120+ greywater treatment plants – using proprietary and patented products.
Aerofloat’s patented DAF wastewater treatment system is world first technology. Aerofloat has installed over 150 systems since 2009.
Aerofloat’s patented modular DAF is for larger flow rates up to 50m3/hr, utilising 2x to 4x Aerofloat 200 tanks.
Aerofloat is known within the industry for its innovative and creative approach to wastewater treatment plant design. Aerofloat has a number of both in-house proprietary products and off-the-shelf dissolved air flotation solutions. Below are some details of Aerofloat’s proprietary DAF products.
The AeroCIRC DAF is a traditional stainless steel, top scraper, open DAF, however includes some unique design features to enhance maintenance and cleaning of the system.
Aerofloat’s new VDAF offers a versatile solution across all major industries including food and beverage, packaging, and construction, as well as for plastics recycling wastewater treatment. It boasts three size options, including the AeroVDAF-40, AeroVDAF-60 and AeroVDAF-80.
Aerofloat’s wastewater treatment system provides superior wash-water that can be reused within the factory processing.
Aerofloat’s patented DAF technology provided a low-maintenance, compact and odourless wastewater treatment solution.
Norco Food expanded its dairy operations whilst remaining compliant with strict Gold Coast City Council discharge limits. Aerofloat’s specialist dairy knowledge ensured an effective wastewater treatment system.