Circular Plastics Australia Case Study
Located in Albury-Wodonga, the Circular Plastics facility is a joint venture between Asahi Beverages, Pact Group Holdings Ltd
Membrane bio reactor (MBR) technology involves an activated sludge process in a relatively compact reactor without any separate clarifier. In MBR technology, the membranes are submerged to filter out the mixed liquor.
MBRs are commonly used for sewage or industrial wastewater treatment and produce a very high quality effluent with low suspended solids (SS). The membranes of the MBR provide a partial barrier to pathogens, reducing the need for wastewater disinfection and therefore make the MBR an economical option for clients.
One of the limitations of MBRs is that unlike smaller ASR or SBR reactors, it is important to have effective fine screening prior to an MBR to remove any screenings from the wastewater/sewage.
MBRs can be more compact than other biological treatment systems because they often do not require a separate clarifier. Similarly, the MLSS (mixed liquor suspended solids) is generally higher in MBRs meaning the overall volume of the reactor can be smaller.
MBR is a common, proven technology and can cater for a range of flow rates.
Membrane Bio Reactor technology is an activated sludge process. Membranes are submerged in the reactor to filter out the mixed liquor produced by the microorganisms, as they degrade the soluble contaminants in the wastewater. Normally coarse bubble aeration is under the membranes and aeration bubbles clean the surface of the membranes via a scouring effect.
Aerofloat offers a range of MBR sizes. Aerofloat has several reputable suppliers for MBRs to incorporate MBR technology into any wastewater treatment plant.
Located in Albury-Wodonga, the Circular Plastics facility is a joint venture between Asahi Beverages, Pact Group Holdings Ltd
A robust wastewater treatment solution from Aerofloat achieved outstanding results against stubborn ink waste.
Aerofloat was engaged by the aquaculture company to design a wastewater treatment plant that would allow its new