Devil’s Hollow Brewery Case Study
When a brewery needed a pH correction system to meet strict council guidelines, it turned to Aerofloat.
Aerofloat’s pH correction equipment features automated correction systems that allow staff to monitor temperature and pH levels prior to effluent discharge.
Aerofloat’s pH correction systems ensure adequate mixing of the wastewater and adjust the pH of the wastewater to the desired set point by controlling the dosing of acid or alkaline solutions.
pH correction is the management of the wastewater pH to a desired set point, by either raising the pH by adding an alkaline solution or lowering the pH with an acidic solution.
Most water authorities will stipulate a pH range in which the wastewater must be within before being discharged to the sewer network.
At various stages of a treatment plant the pH level is often critical for effective performance of that plant. For example, effective coagulation of wastewater prior to DAF treatment will not occur if the pH is not within an acceptable range. pH measurement and correction is therefore often achieved in preceding pipelines or tanks, prior to DAF treatment.
Aerofloat has several standard pH correction kits or can incorporate a pH correction design into a larger wastewater treatment plant.
Aerofloat’s standard skid mounted pH correction system has been designed for the microbrewery industry but has many other applications.
A fit-for-purpose solution can be designed by Aerofloat’s engineers and standard designs can be modified at Aerofloat’s own in-house manufacturing facility in Sydney, Australia.
When a brewery needed a pH correction system to meet strict council guidelines, it turned to Aerofloat.
Wizz Fizz manufacturer, Fyna Foods, installed an automated pH correction system.
When Sydney Water stipulated that the new Marsden Brewhouse needed to show its pH management plan, Aerofloat was