the problem icon

The Need

Goodman Fielder was looking for a pre-treatment step to take some of the load off its existing wastewater treatment system.

the solution icon

The solution

Aerofloat installed its unique Aerotrap, which uses a similar automated sludge removal mechanism as its patented dissolved air flotation (AeroDAF). The Aerotrap is effectively an automated grease trap, which has ensured a simple solution for removal of fats, oils and grease (FOG) from the wastewater.

The benefit icon

The benefit

Goodman Fielder was provided with a simple, maintenance friendly and effective solution that has taken significant load off the existing wastewater treatment plant.

New automated grease trap designed by Aerofloat.

Aerofloat installed its Aerotrap at Goodman Fielder bakery – a unique automated grease trap.

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How can we help?

Whatever your wastewater challenge, we can develop a solution for you. Start by getting in touch with one of our experts.