the problem icon

The Need

The growing plastics recycling plant required a system upgrade that would ensure a quality end-product whilst allowing for rapid growth at the plant.

GT Recycling wanted a low maintenance system for operators.

the solution icon

The solution

Aerofloat installed a wastewater treatment plant that recycled the wash water to wash GT Recycling’s recycled plastic.

Aerofloat designed a system that would manage production growth at the site, treating wastewater flows of up to 20m3 per hour.

The benefit icon

The benefit

The entire plant was automated to ensure low maintenance for operators.

“The plant runs itself so our operators can concentrate on other areas of the business.”

Tim McLean, GT Recycling.

Wastewater and wash line system ensures quality and growth assured for plastics recycling plant in Victoria

Aerofloat recently installed a wastewater treatment system at GT Recycling in Moolap, Victoria to wash the recycled plastic to ensure quality products for their customers.

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Whatever your wastewater challenge, we can develop a solution for you. Start by getting in touch with one of our experts.