After the signing of a distribution agreement with APEX Environmental in New Zealand and the development of a skid mounted Aerofloat DAF for pilot plant purposes, APEX has been awarded a number of jobs using the Aerofloat technology, with many more in the pipeline.
The first project to be installed was for Westland Milk Products in Rolleston New Zealand. This project was treating 24m3/hr of wastewater and required two stainless steel Aerofloat 200 DAFs. APEX have manufactured and installed DAFs over many years. They have said they typically look for an 80% removal of suspended solids. The project has been highly successful with the Aerofloat DAF removing up to 95% of suspended solids while using only 10% of the chemical initially quoted by APEX – a win for the client.
Please contact Aerofloat at should you require a trade waste solution or can see potential in being a distributor of the Aerofloat products.