Watch the video case study to see how Aerofloat ensured quality wash water for GT Recyling.
Aerofloat recently installed a wastewater treatment system at GT Recycling in Moolap, Victoria to wash the recycled plastic to ensure quality products for their customers.
Plastics recycling company, GT Recycling in Moolap, Victoria needed a system upgrade to ensure quality products for their customers.
Director for GT Recycling, Tim McLean, said significant growth in recent years meant that the existing system on site required a significant upgrade to keep up with demand.
“As a company that’s rapidly growing, the tonnage that is going to come through the plant in the future is going increase dramatically. We therefore wanted a system in place that could handle that growth,” said McLean.
The company also needed to be assured of a quality end-product for its customers.
“We collect and process post-industrial and commercial hard and soft plastics here on site and send the finished goods away to manufacturers,” said McLean.
Michael Anderson, GM of Engineering and Projects at Aerofloat said Aerofloat’s design ensured minimal water use for GT Recycling.
“Our solution at GT Recycling consists of a return pumping system where we screen, blend and balance the wastewater before it is chemically treated. We remove the suspended solids through Aerofloat’s wave separater and we also biologically treat the wastewater our patented MBBR,” said Anderson.
“The whole plant is automated and recycles clean water back into GT Recycling’s production so that the team there can keep washing plastic day-in and day-out with the same water,” added Anderson.
Aerofloat worked closely with GT Recycling’s team to ensure they understood the design and operations of the new plant.
“Aerofloat’s process team and engineers are really knowledgeable and really explained and simplified the process for us,” said McLean.