Blocked sewers caused by giant balls of fat is just one problem that can occur if dairy food manufacturers don’t treat their waste properly. Food and Beverage Industry News explains.
If you head over to the National Farmers’ Federation website, it gives you a run down: there are 8,594 dairy farms in Australia, a national dairy herd of 1.6 million cows and more than 9 billion litres of whole milk being produced per year with the farm gate value of about $4 billion.
While farmers, dairy food processing factories and exporters see dollar signs, others like Aerofloat’s Ray Anderson, are aware that the process wastewater generated at these factories needs to be treated before being released into the environment.
Anything not used in the primary product sold on the shelf, is waste – including all the wash down water and storage tank cleaning water. This is where food processing managers need to do research on the best solution to minimising and getting rid of waste, such as utilising a food processing wastewater treatment system.